Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Parking Lots o' Fun

The first picture is one of curbside parking in front of a new condo/shopping center on Dresden Dr.  It shows cars parallel parked off this fairly busy road.  Although there is rear parking for the condos themselves, these spots, along with the ones on the opposite side of the street, are used for the restaurants and boutiques located in this area.  Even though these are parallel spots, there is plenty of room to manuever in and out of thus reducing possible accidents as suggested in Lots of Parking (Jakle and Sculle 34)

Next picture displays an underground parking deck.  Although the entrance and a few handicap spots leading down are touched by natural light, the majority is not.  In addition there is visible ventilation system to help filter out unwanted smoke (Jakle and Sculle 143).  This deck also featured various parking sizes between the deck's pillars.  The allowed for compact, regular, as well as handicap spots (some of which were angled).  The deck itself, like many, were also very drab and without decorations (interior or exterior).

The third picture is merely a shopping center parking lot in the Buckhead area.  In the distance there are visible taller buildings that suggest a downtown-style skyline.  However, there is also the presence of various retailers.  This shop also has various establishments to help consumers cut down on their travels.  A more modern idea as opposed to older lots which usually would have parking for only a few businesses.  One of which in this shopping center (out of view) that helps with this quicker shopping is a grocery store.  A main problem with this lot is the size.  As it is located in a very busy district of Buckhead, the lot itself often fills up and customers are forced to park further away from their desired location.  It is obvious, just as suggest by Jakle and Sculle, that because of its prime location, space was maximized for the retailers whereas the parking lot is not of a proper size for the businesses and their patrons (Jakle and Sculle 209).

1 comment:

M Lasner said...

Good entry and photos--I really like that you picked three distinct kinds of parking! In your captions I would love a bit more detail, observation, description. In the first, for example, where do we enter the garage? Did you notice if people prefer the deck to the street spots--take street spots first or pass them by? In the second, where is this garage? Does it matter?--perhaps not, but you could make the point that it's totally generic. For the third, how big this center (strip mall?)? Why are there empty spots? Odd time of day?