Monday, September 22, 2008

More Parking!

This is a picture of Edgewood facing downtown. Here there are cars parallel parked on the curb in the right lane. I'd prefer to use that lane for driving, especially when it looks like a lane and not parking spots! But it occurs in a space where there is not an abundance of parking options, so I suppose it is necessary.

The second picture is of a vacant lot downtown used for parking. You can barely see the cars because the weeds are growing up the chain link fence. Perhaps we could call this "green space?" Downtown is full of ugly, vacant lots used for parking with people flagging you in and charging at least $5. Sometimes they are closed down businesses and probably serve the owners' need for income in the only way they have.

The third picture is of parking lines around Chastain Park. I noticed that there were lines blacked out and redone at a sharper angle. In Lots of Parking, the author has a diagram on increasing parking angles and how they increase the amount of cars able to park in the same space. It seems impossible to me, but I suppose he is right.


Kelly said...

that's SO not what it looked like in the preview. sorry my post is so ugly.

M Lasner said...

Good variety. I would like you to tell more about the photos--what time of day, why so few cars, etc. Also, you might speculate more about what you observed--what is each of these lots typical of? Why are they designed as they are--for example, why should a park have this sort of surface lot? Why downtown?